What we do.
Stepping stone is a full-day, Home-based preschool program serving children 0 to 5 years old. At the center of our philosophy is the understanding that young children experience the world and begin learning through their play. At Stepping Stone we are building the foundation for later learning by allowing children the time and opportunity to play and discover the world around them. We are constantly working to create an atmosphere of childhood self discovery, personal independence and individual uniqueness.
“Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best.”
Bob Talbert | Author
What we offer.
Each month we have a theme in which we base the months activities upon. The theme will be taken into account with planning our art projects, dramatic play, story time and all other aspects of the daily program. A monthly newsletter, with a brief description of the monthly theme will be given to the parents each month. The newsletter will give you an idea of what we will be working on during that month, but it must be understood that many activities are occurring every day and they are coming from the children.
Joining Our Family.
We encourage you to visit our day care during one of our tours. We will walk you through the day care during business hours so you can get a feel of our program. Tours are conducted for prospective parents and visitors on a regular basis. If you would like to reserve a space for your child you will need to complete our quick and simple online application and submitted with a $50 nonrefundable application fee. Once a space becomes available, we will notify you and arrange a starting date for your child.